NYUSat is A 1U CubeSat developed as part of my senior design project at NYU Tandon School of Engineering. I designed and programmed both the payload hardware and the software for the real time embedded system which controls the Mission Science Payload on board the spacecraft.

Team Members:
Dymytro Moyseyev (BS E.E. | 2017) – Radio/Antenna modules
Danny Chiang (BS E.E. |  2017) – Power / Battery / Solar Array module
Matt Cocca (BS Comp.E. | 2017) – Mechanical Design / Radio / Antenna Release
Abhimanyu Ghosh (MS E.E. | 2017) – Primary On Board Computer
Eason Smith (BS E.E. & Comp.E. | 2017) – Mission Science Payload (Sensors / OBC)


NOTE: For the best overview of this project, I recommend downloading the PDF below, which details all of my work on the project’s hardware and software components (including electrical schematics):

NYU CubeSAT – Mission Science Payload – Final Report (PDF)

Basic Overview

My primary responsibility on NYUSat is the real time embedded development of the mission science payload modules. This includes programming the ARM Cortex M4 chip to collect scientific data from a variety of navigational and weather related sensors, and then relay that data over a CAN bus or other means to the main OBC for transmission with a ground station. This role involved both embedded hardware and software design. For hardware, I am responsible for electrical design and PCB’s for the OBC and payload modules, which happen to be located in the middle of the “stack” on the satellite. That also includes all scientific instruments on the satellite. On the Software side, I am responsible for chip configuration of the STM32F4 we are using as our Payload OBC, it’s real time thread and interrupt management which uses FreeRTOS (a real time operating system), as well as basic driver development and setup routines for the various sensors and communication methods required by the payload for the satellite to conduct it’s experiments.

Payload OBC: 
STM32F407VTG6 ARM Cortex-M4F microcontroller

Mission Science Payload:
LND712 Geiger Tube
SI7021 Humidty Sensor
BMP280 Pressure Sensor
Venus638FLPx GPS receiver
MPU9250 Gyroscope/Accelerometer/Magnetic Compass

Other IC’s used inside the payload modules:
SN65HVD232 CAN Tranciever
INA219 Current Sensor
TPS62162 Voltage Regulator
TPS22994 4-channel Load Switch


Payload Software on my Github:


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