CAMELOT: A Board Game playing 5-DOF Robotic Manipulator and A.I. Engine
Camelot is 5-DOF Robotic Manipulator that plays a board game themed after the sentient computer HAL from “2001: A Space Odyssey” This project remains the cumilative work of two graduate level semester projects, completed two years apart while attending NYU Tandon School of Engineering. Academic Description: CS4613 – Artificial Intelligence… Continue reading

NYUSat is A 1U CubeSat developed as part of my senior design project at NYU Tandon School of Engineering. I designed and programmed both the payload hardware and the software for the real time embedded system which controls the Mission Science Payload on board the spacecraft. Team Members: Dymytro Moyseyev… Continue reading

NASA Lunar Mining Robot
In Fall of 2013-2014 school year, I took on the roles of Lead Project Manager and Captain for NYU’s Team Atlas. Team Atlas serves as a unique opportunity for both graduates and undergraduates of different engineering backgrounds to come together in a year long project to apply what they’ve learned… Continue reading

BMP085 Pressure Sensor Driver
In December 2015, I wrote a low level C driver for the BMP085 Bosch Pressure sensor for use with the ARM STM32-F4 Discovery Board. The BMP085 is a temperature and pressure sensor which can be used for a variety projects such as IoT weather logging applications or even quad-copter drones… Continue reading

Wireless NES Controller
This project is a modified wireless NES controller which is USB compatible with windows. It has the modern functionality of today’s controllers but the look and feel of the original classic. Note: Even though this project has long been officially retired, I am still actively working to update this page and it’s… Continue reading

RF Stick
The ‘RF Stick’ , is a project I am currently working on which is an AVR/arduino based wireless IoT platform. A side-goal of the project is to allow the pcb to be easily implemented into the innards of old school video game controllers which I am adapting into wireless versions for… Continue reading

Lipo+ is a battery charger PCB which is perfect for small projects. It has a small form factor and will charge any single cell LiPo you throw at it. I designed this PCB as a test PCB (of sorts) for it’s overall inclusion into a larger electronics project I am… Continue reading

LipoCC is a Coulomb Counter / Battery Gas Gauge PCB for use in single cell LiPo batteries which I designed based around the LTC4150 IC. The overall schematic and board implementation is fairly straight forward in terms of design and further details can be found within the Linear Technologies datasheet below. I… Continue reading

Line Follower Robot
From August 2011 to May 2012, I had the privilege of leading a student design team in building a line follower robot for the 2012 SUNY TYESA Student Design Competition. BMCC Robotics | Team “Shika-Bob” Members: Eason Smith, Mohammad Christi, Adel Njeim, Mario Feliz Team Advisor: Simon Kravtsov (Teaching Assistant) Team Sponsor:… Continue reading

L298 Breakout Board
This is a simple breakout board I designed for the L298N motor driver. I have used this motor driver on a few projects in the past, and having a breakout board for it makes prototyping much easier. Note that this design does not include flyback diodes, but they are… Continue reading